It is safe to say that most people partner with tax professionals when it comes to filing taxes. We wish the same could be said about establishing a college funding plan, filling out FAFSA forms, calculating a family’s EFC, negotiating and appealing award letters, and everything else that comes to college planning. Even though families are spending over quarter-million dollars sending one child to college, they try to do these things by themselves. We are here to be your professional support in this area.
Through over a decade of experience we have developed a “Parent Success Blueprint” of key components to help parents maximize financial strategies to pay for college and other life goals.
- Financial Aid Analysis Meeting
- Calculate Depart of Education’s Expected Family Contribution
- Determine key factors that affect your EFC and develop planning concepts to help lower it, if applicable.
- Determine what strategies will work best for your situation
- Provide a complete cash flow analysis on how best to fund college in addition to acomfortable retirement lifestyle
- Analyze your ability to qualify for grants and scholarships (Free Money)
- Evaluate whether or not a family’s individual school’s financial aid offer is fair
- Determine, if the student was mis-awarded, under-awarded, or leveraged and help appeal the award with the help of our negotiation team, if appropriate.
- Provide financial planning recommendations for the best way to fund your out of pocket college expenses
- Help file appeal, if necessary
- Provide guidance on educational loan options
- Continual support throughout the financial aid process
Paperwork and Forms
- Guide families in the completion of the important FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to ensure accurate and timely submission which is key to maximizing financial aid
- Assume responsibility for filing the College Board’s complex CSS Profile Form or any other institutional financial aid forms that are key to maximizing a family’s ability to qualify for individual colleges’ private endowment funds